Max Facs Oral Surgery

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

We can provide patients with safe and efficient surgical solutions.

Why get them removed?

Wisdom teeth extraction will eliminate the possibility of your wisdom teeth causing damage to other teeth and reduce any pain associated with unerupted or impacted wisdom teeth.

Having wisdom teeth removed by a specialist oral and maxillofacial surgeon is usually quicker and more comfortable for patients.

We give our patients a range of anaesthetic options including local anaesthetic, intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia.

Depending on a patients health insurance policy, the cost of impacted and unerupted wisdom teeth can be covered by our services, reducing the financial burden for patients.

Our team is committed to ensuring your comfort

Wisdom teeth extractions are indeed quite common, and the document provided above is a condensed version of what you’ll receive during your consultation. We typically use the more detailed document to delve into potential risks and complications, as well as to outline the surgical procedure based on your anesthesia preference.

Recognizing that the amount of information can feel overwhelming, we provide printed material so you can carefully consider your options after the consultation. This allows you the opportunity to amend any decisions with which you may not feel entirely comfortable.

Among the key complications that patients may wish to explore further before the consultation are nerve injury (resulting in pins and needles or numbness in the lip, chin, and/or tongue) and dry socket. While these occurrences are very rare, they often comprise the “scary stories” patients hear from friends and family. However, most patients find the experience surprisingly manageable, and their primary concern post-surgery often revolves around when they can resume eating normally again!

Rest assured, our team is committed to ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout the entire process. Should you have any questions or concerns, we’re here to address them and guide you toward the best possible outcome.