We can provide patients with safe and efficient surgical solutions.
Type of Anaesthesia

Local Anaesthesia
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Local anesthesia involves an injection in your mouth to numb the area being operated on. While you may still feel pressure and vibration during the procedure, it should not be painful. In cases where there is an abscess, the effectiveness of the local anesthetic may be compromised. In such instances, the options include postponing the procedure until antibiotics treat the abscess or considering IV sedation. Local anesthesia is ideal for straightforward teeth extractions. There’s no need to fast or be accompanied afterward. Your dentist typically identifies straightforward extractions and performs them using local anesthesia. If you’ve been referred for extraction, it’s likely because the tooth presents a higher degree of difficulty or the procedure may be stressful for you. As a result, many of our patients opt for either IV sedation or general anesthesia.

IV Sedation or Target Controlled Infusion (TCI)
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We’re pleased to offer TCI, a tailored sedation option that utilizes an algorithm based on factors like your height, weight, age, and gender to determine appropriate doses administered through a computerized pump. During the procedure, we monitor your brain waves (EEG), breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure, and responsiveness to ensure you’re relaxed and comfortable while maintaining your own airway. The drugs take effect quickly (usually within a minute) and wear off swiftly after we cease the infusion, leading to a rapid recovery without the unusual effects often seen in certain YouTube videos. Prior to the procedure, you’ll need to fast for six hours, and afterward, someone will need to collect you and accompany you home.

General Anesthesia:
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General anesthesia is conducted at Bowen Hospital. An anesthetist will induce complete unconsciousness so that you remain unaware of the procedure. I will perform the operation, and you will recover in the hospital before being discharged. Similar to IV sedation, you’ll need to fast beforehand, and arrangements should be made for someone to accompany you home afterward.